Shocking Statistics About DWI Charges – A Testimonial From a

Shocking Statistics About DWI Charges – A Testimonial From a DWI Lawyer
It is both shocking and suprising to discover the alarming statistics pertaining to DWI charges in the United States. Every year, millions of DWI charges are leveled, costing taxpayers millions of dollars annually, all as a result of avoidable tragedies. This isn’t just a post to file away in your memory; it is a deep dive into the hard truths behind DWI cases and what those whose lives are affected by it can do to protect themselves and others around them.

One of the most experienced DWI lawyers in the country, Steven Roberts, has seen first-hand the devastating effects that DWI charges can have on an individual’s life. With a career spanning decades, Roberts has seen it all and shares his knowledge with our readers in this extremely informative article. In this piece, Roberts outlines shocking and surprising DWI statistics, including how many charges are leveled, how much money it costs taxpayers, and how it all could be avoided.

Perhaps the most startling thing Roberts highlights is just how prevalent DWI related charges are in the US each year a whopping four million of them! This means that four million people every year must face the consequences of their actions, including monetary fines, jail time, and the lingering stigma associated with a DWI charge. It also mean that taxpayers have to foot the bill for the resulting court cases a startlingly sum of $56 billion USD!

It’s not all doom and gloom however, as Roberts highlights the one thing that everyone should be doing to prevent such cases from taking place: stop drinking and driving. He urges readers to take the pledge to never drink and drive as, not only does it keep you and other safe, but you could also save lives that would otherwise be lost to this deadly choice.

Not only does Roberts encourage people to stop drinking and driving, but he also provides avenues for those already dealing with a DWI charge. He suggests hiring experienced lawyers who may be able to reduce the severity of charges or dismiss them altogether. Roberts further adds that, even if dismissed or reduced, fines and charges should not be taken lightly and that all DWI cases should never be taken lightly, even remotely.

And that’s not all, DWI charges can also have implications further into the future. Future employers may not consider employing those with DWI charges on their record, ruining career prospects and in turn impacting their ability to support themselves and any loved ones. Roberts advises searching for legal representation from specialized DWI defence lawyers, as the fines and charges associated with DWI cases can have a detrimental effect on an individuals future and livelihood.

Finally, DWI prevention isn’t just limited to not drinking and driving. Roberts offers advice and tips to all those out there who are looking to help reduce the number of DWI cases in their community. This includes working to limit the availability of alcohol to those under the age of 21 and helping to provide transportation to those who decide to drink, regardless of age.

Next, lets discuss the physical issues associated with DWI charges. DWI-related deaths account for 10,000 fatalities in the US every year. This demonstrates the catastrophic risks of drinking and driving and why it should be taken seriously. To put it more bluntly, one DWI-related crash is happening every 49 minutes in the US. Even if you’ve never directly seen the effects of a DWI-related crash, we can all imagine the magnitude of such an impact. So, how can we avoid these tragedies? One of the most well-known and proven prevention tactics is ‘designated driver’ campaigns in bars, clubs, music festivals, etc. Not only do they help prevent DWI cases, but they can also be incentivized to create further incentive for people to consider their safety and that of others.

It’s time to make DWI-prevention a priority in communities large and small. Luckily, several organizations and initiatives are leading the charge when it comes to DWI-prevention programs. One of the most successful programs is the ‘No DUI’ campaign in the city of Austin, TX. The program has seen a reduction in DWI-related incidents, with over 300,000 people participating in 2018 alone! It is an inspiring testament to what can be achieved when the community comes together and puts safety first.

Beyond preventative measures, communities should also focus on the deterrent effects of being charged with a DWI. Studies have shown that even being charged with a first offense can have a tremendous deterrent effect, resulting in a decrease of DWI-related crashes by 28 percent. Additionally, vehicle impoundment laws have seen some success in providing a further deterrent for those thinking of drinking and driving, as the cost of retrieving an impounded car is often cost-prohibitive for many.

Finally, counseling should be available for those dealing with a DWI. It is important to understand that many of these cases involve underlying issues or untreated mental health conditions that drove an individual to drink and drive in the first place. Often times, with adequate and specialized counseling, these issues can be resolved and proper techniques can be taught to identify and mitigate potential risks in the future.

Now, let’s consider what a DWI can mean to a family. Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and friends can all be affected when someone makes the irresponsible decision to drink and drive. Not only do individuals often lose their license and face jail time, but their actions can lead to the loss of a job, or worse, irreversible damage to those around them.

For many families, the fallout can be catastrophic; court fees, attorney fees, increased insurance premiums and medical bills are just some of the costs associated with a loved one being charged with DWI. Moreover, with a DWI on their record, an individual may no longer be able to hold certain jobs or apply for certain employment opportunities due to the stigma associated.

Families of those accused of a DWI can also suffer due to a lack of education and understanding of the situation. Many individuals are unaware of the repercussions associated with a DWI and how it can affect the lives of everyone in the family, not just the individual charged. By understanding the law, the penalties, and the available legal options, families can come together to provide support, or even an alibi, for the individual involved.

Additionally, it is important to consider other non-legal solutions. With proper education and positive role models, individuals can find themselves empowered to make better choices in the future. This can come in the form of sober support groups, finding a sponsor, or attending therapy.

Moving on, alcohol-related education is a great starting point for those looking to prevent DWI cases in their community. Alcohol education runs the gamut from parents teaching children to never drink and drive, to office parties that have pre-booked multi-person Uber rides, to the tips and tricks on how to properly taste and evaluate each type of alcohol. By learning more about alcohol and the potential risks associated with it, people can begin to make more informed decisions about their own drinking habits, as well as what to do to prevent DWI cases in their communities.

Finally, it is important to consider the economic effects of DWI cases on the community. Studies have shown that the average DWI costs the community almost $17,000 USD in court costs, attorney fees, and medical bills. This means that the majority of those costs are covered by taxpayers in the community; a cost that may not have accrued had the incidence of DWI cases in the area been reduced.

When it comes to DWI charge prevention, its clear that the whole community must work together. Parents should be teaching their kids the importance of not drinking and driving, employers can provide transportation for employees, and law enforcement agencies can enforce DWI laws. These are just some of the tactics communities can employ to reduce the amount of DWI cases in their areas, ultimately leading to safer roads and fewer losses.

From here, we can look at the sociological implications of DWI cases. Often times, individuals targeted by law enforcement for DWI charges are members of minority communities, meaning that it is not just the individual affected by the charge, but their entire community. This means that the legal ramifications of a DWI can be acute in minority areas due to the impact felt by the community as a whole.

Additionally, law enforcement often play a major role in perpetuating inequality. As such, it is important to understand the factors that may contribute to an individual being charged with a DWI, such as financial difficulties, access to transportation, and inadequate resources. By understanding these realities, communities can look at the root of the problem and come together to reduce the number of DWI cases in their area.

Clearly, there is much to consider when it comes to the topic of DWI charges. We mustnt forget the implications of being charged with a DWI, from loss of livelihood to damaging a familys reputation. It is equally important to remember the human cost; 10,000 lives lost every year in the US due to DWI related crashes, which could all be avoided with the right knowledge and attitude.

It is with this in mind that we must consider the real implications of DWI charges in our society. Lets take a look at the impact of technology and ride services such as Uber in reducing these numbers. Despite criticism, including its disruption of the traditional cab industry, Uber has been credited with an overall reduction in DWI cases in numerous cities throughout the US and the world. Its presence in markets around the world has been hailed as a major factor in reducing accidents associated with drunk driving, as it is an affordable and convenient option for people seeking a ride.

Other technology based solutions are emerging as well. The use of breathalyzers in cars has been proposed by some lawmakers in an attempt to reduce DWI charges. This technology, once implemented, could work in conjunction with a cars ignition system, prohibiting it from starting if the driver has been drinking. While this technology can be seen as a potential solution to DWI cases, it is important to note that its introduction must be balanced against its potential invasion of personal privacy.

Furthermore, to truly reduce DWI charges in our communities we must consider education. Many people do not have access to the discussions that come with having a full awareness and understanding of the potential costs associated with drinking and driving. Education here will play a major role in helping people make better decisions with regards to alcohol consumption and transportation options, and ultimately lead to a decrease in DWI cases.

Going forward, we must consider the possibility of DWI charges and make sure to eliminate the risk as much as possible. There are a number of steps we can take as a society to reduce the number of DWI cases, including fostering an atmosphere of respect for our roads as well as for the many individuals who share them. The ultimate goal is to make sure that DWI charges are avoided altogether, as it is only then that the human costs associated with them can truly be minimized.